Environmentally Speaking
Welcome to Environmentally Speaking. The environment is everything, literally, and on this podcast, no environmental topic is off-limits. We are living in unprecedented times. Times of threats to our environment, our health, and our freedom. Environmental degradation has resulted in the loss of livelihoods, lives, cultures, knowledges, and heritages. We are in the midst of a global-scale environmental crisis…climate change. What are our leaders doing to fight against this? What are you doing to fight against this? For our returning listeners, we have rebranded. So you would have been with us from what is now Season 1, CovidChat, where we discussed the multidimensional impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Thank you for sticking with us. Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook @Ourfootprintja. Visit our website www.ourfootprintja.org.
Environmentally Speaking
S1.8 COVID-19 & Jamaica’s Future: Impacts, Solutions & Future Prospects
Mario Christie; Eleanor Terrelonge; Unnamae Gordon; Jaevion Nelson
Season 1
Episode 8
Over the past few months, we’ve looked at how COVID-19 has affected various sectors, so in our final session we’ll be reviewing some of the most salient points, suggestions, tying them together, and wrapping them up. We want to figure out how we can craft our advocacy to address some of the issues highlighted and implement some of these solutions. We don’t want this initiative to end with us just having discussions and that’s the end of it. Our goal is to create a strategic plan about how we as young people can lobby our policymakers and private sector partners to create the radical change that we need to move Jamaica forward in a post COVID world.